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Teaching Traveling Interview Instructions

Hello, Wonderful Interviewee!

I would love to feature you on in order to assist and inspire more “Teacher-Travelers” (in the widest sense of the term). Interview questions are below, which you can feel free to alter, add to, delete, or just replace with a narrative, as long as it hasn’t already been published elsewhere on the web, and as long as what you write will make sense several years from now. You can choose to answer focusing on all your teaching travels as a whole, several countries, or just on one country. There is no time deadline, and no word limit.

Your responses can either be sent in an email to me (Lillie at, or as a shared Google Document. In an email to me (NOT inside a Google Doc or Word), please attach 4-12 photos — at least one featuring you– of 800 pixels wide or larger (ideally at least 1500 pixels), with captions. Please also suggest any titles that you think would best sum up your piece. I can’t wait to read your story!

Lillie Marshall

Interview Questions:
NOTE: To see these in a Google Document, click here. Hit “File” and “Make a Copy” to type directly in them, then share with me via email.

  1. Tell us a bit about your background. (Ex: where you’re from, how long you taught or did another career and where, your age if you want, your travel background, where you are now and what you’re doing, etc.)
  1. Explain one (or more) interesting travels you have undertaken (or are currently undertaking) during your time outside of your regular home-country classroom/job. (Where did you go, what did you do, for how long, and how was it?)
  1. How do you find your travel opportunities? (Ex: website, friend, group.)
  1. How did you find the money to fund your travel? (Ex: savings, scholarships, grants, fundraising, etc.)
  1. Tell us one moment from your travels that was particularly powerful, interesting, or funny.
  1. How have your travels impacted you in your career, and how have your travels impacted you as a person?
  1. What advice do you have for teachers who are dreaming of travel, or travelers dreaming of teaching? (Either general inspirational words and/or specific sites, organizations, strategies, or links which are useful.)

Many Thanks!

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